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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript has not been previously published or is currently submitted to another journal for publishing (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The manuscript file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • URLs for the references have been provided if they are available.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear below.
  • The full name of the authors must be accompanied by their ORCID number. (You can easily create your ORCID-ID here.)

Ciencias Agronómicas is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes high-quality scientific papers. Ciencias Agronómicas does not charge any fee to authors. We accept articles written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

 1)  Ciencias Agronómicas publishes the following types of articles:

  • Original Research Articles, both theoretical and experimental: Full articles cannot be longer than 20 pages, including tables and figures. Text must be single-spaced, with paragraph division indicated by first-line indentation. Original research articles must contain the following sections: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Authorship Statement (Credit), Acknowledgements, and References. In original Social Sciences articles, the Materials and Methods section may be replaced by Methodology, and the sections Results and Discussion can be written as a single section.
  • Brief communications: these articles should fill no more than 10 pages, including tables and figures. Text must be single-spaced, with paragraph division indicated by first-line indentation. Brief communications must contain the following sections: Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Authorship statement (Credit), Acknowledgements, and References.

General guidelines for the Abstract section of both Original Research Articles and Brief Communications:

Abstracts for both types of papers must not exceed 250 words. All papers submitted must have the Abstract section in the following three languages: Spanish, English, and Portuguese (in that order), each preceded by the corresponding Title and followed by three Keywords, which must be separated by hyphens and different from those in the Title.  

  • Review Articles: these will be solicited by the Editor-in-Chief or the Editorial Board to authoritative researchers in a given knowledge field.
  • Letters to the Editor: editorial letters can be submitted to comment on articles published in the two previous issues of Ciencias Agronómicas. Letters must not exceed three (3) pages, and can contain up to six (6) references and one (1) table or figure.

2) Manuscript formatting guide:

Two different digital files are required for article submission: a Microsoft Word file containing the main text and the legends for Tables and Figures, and an Excel file for Tables and Figures (find further specifications below). The Word file must be formatted in A4 paper size, with 3-cm left and right margins, 2.5-cm top and bottom margins, with centered page numbers in footer. Text should be single-spaced, with paragraphs set apart by one EXTRA space/with double space between paragraphs. The font is Times New Roman, with the following specifications: size 12 and capitalized for the Title; size 10 for the Abstract in English, Spanish and Portuguese; size 12 for the main body of the article.

3) Style and content guidelines:

In order to avoid delays in the review process, authors are advised to check thoroughly for spelling and grammar mistakes in all sections of their articles, regardless of the language of manuscript submission. References, both those cited within the text and those included in the References list, must follow strictly our specifications (see below). A clear, concise, neatly organized text will facilitate the referees’ task and speed the reviewing process. We recommend you read in full and observe strictly the following guidelines for different contents and sections of your manuscript:

  • Authors: In order to be included as an author, any participant in the research must have taken part to a sufficient extent as to bear responsibility for the content of the paper. Otherwise, he or she is to be mentioned in the Acknowledgements section.
    The full name of the authors must be accompanied by their ORCID number. The ORCID provides a permanent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that is owned and controlled by each author, and distinguishes him from any other researcher. To create your ORCID iD visit the following website.
  • Latin words: Latin words and scientific names must be written in italics. The species author (e.g., Glycine max Merr) must be given only the first time a scientific name is mentioned, but should not be used either in the Title or the Abstract.
  • Names, symbols and abbreviations of active principles: The names of active principles and drugs must follow either the ISO or BSI international standards or the IUPAC nomenclature.
  • Statistical procedures: The Materials and Methods section must include the statistical procedures used.
  • Units: Las unidades serán las correspondientes al Sistema Internacional.
  • Legends for Tables and Figures: Legends must be typed in Arial font, size 10. They must be self-explanatory without reference to the text. The type of statistical analysis and/or the significance level must be included if necessary.
  • Tables: Tables (please do not refer to them as “Charts”) must be submitted as an Excel file, with A4 page size and margins set as described above. The font is Arial, regular (not bold), with 8 as the maximum size.  Only horizontal lines can be shown in tables, with neither vertical lines nor outer borders. Column headings will be centered horizontally and vertically and typed in bold. The first word in each item of data entered into Tables must have capitalized initial. Numbers must be aligned to the right, and alphanumeric values centered. Figures can have a maximum of two decimals. Thousands are separated by dots, and decimals by a comma.
  • Figures: Graphs and Illustrations.
  • Graphs: Graphs can be submitted as an Excel file or in any other compatible format. Normally, all statistical and scientific graphing software (e.g., Statgraphics, SPSS, Sigma Plot) allow creating graphs in easily exportable, highly compatible formats. Graphs cannot contain outer borders and must be typed in Arial regular font. Graphs should not contain a title, except for the axis’s titles. Up to three contrasting colours are allowed in the graph in order to improve its clarity and communicative accuracy.
  • Illustrations: images, maps and photographs. Illustrations must be embedded in the Word file, using a JPG, TIFF or BMP format with 300 dpi resolution. These elements must have a suitable contrast, and can be set in grayscale or full color.
  • Equations: Equations must be written with equations editing software.  If not written within the body of a paragraph, they must be left-aligned. If an equation is too long to fit a single line, the necessary lines will be numbered on the right margin with the correlative numbers enclosed in brackets.
  • Quotes: Quotes not longer than three lines can be embedded in the paragraph and enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”). Those longer than three lines are to be set apart in an indented paragraph, without quotation marks, single-spaced and with font size 12. The omission of part of a quote will be signaled with three dots enclosed in square brackets, thus:  […]. If the quote itself contains an embedded quote, the latter will be signaled with single quotation marks (' ').
  • Citations: In-text citations must be written following these specifications:

 -Single author: Surname and year are separated by a comma, both enclosed in brackets, e.g. (Zurada, 1992), or  “Zurada (1987) reported that…”

-Two authors: both surnames will be linked by “and”, e.g. (Watzlawick and Nardone, 2000), or “Watzlawick and Nardone (2000) reported that…”...

-More than two authors:  only the last name of the first author is provided, followed by the Latin abbreviation“et al.”, thus: (Landgrebe et al., 1989), or “Landgrebe et al. (1989) reported that...”

- If more than one work is cited for the same author and year, the year will be followed by the letters a, b, c, etc.  (Huete  and Myneni, 1996a, 1996b).

- Personal communications must be cited thus: (Ríos, personal communication), and be included in the References section with the following format: Last name and name, year, workplace and country, e.g.:

RIOS, A. 2006. Sección Maquinaria Agrícola. INTA Manfredi. Argentina

  • The References section must be ordered alphabetically and include only the sources cited in the text. It is recommended that the works cited and included in the References come from peer-reviewed journals. References are to be written following the Harvard format with capitalized surnames.


Books by a single author:

KAPLUM, M. (1987) El comunicador popular. Buenos Aires: Humanitas. 262 pp.

Books by two authors:

Shalloway, A. y Trott, J. (2001) Design patterns explained: a new perspective on object-oriented design. London: Addison Wesley. 480 pp.

Books by more than two authors:

Campbell, N.A.; Mitchell, L.G.; Reece, J.B. (2001) Biología: conceptos y relaciones. 3a. ed. México: Pearson Education. 896 pp.

Book chapters:

OGREN, W.L. y RINNE, R.W. (1973) Photosynthesis and seed metabolism. In: Caldwell, B.E.(Ed.) Soybeans: improvement, production and uses. Wisconsin: American Society of Agronomy Inc. Publisher, 285-294.


Potter, H. (2005) An Introduction to Human Anatomy [online] 4th ed. London: Adam Arnold. 545 pp. Available at <http://anatomy/introduction/human/htm> [last accessed: 27 March 2006].

Journal articles:

LEWIS, R.W. (1988) Biology: a hypothetic-deductive science. The American Biology Teacher, 50:362-366.

Potts, S.G.;Biesmeijer, J.C.;Kremen, C.;Neumann, P.;Schweiger, O. y Kunin, W.E. (2010) Global pollinator declines: trends, impacts and drivers. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25 (6), 345–353.


Coburn, P.S. y Gilmore, M.S. (2003) The Enterococcus faecaliscytolysin: a novel toxin active against eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Celullar Microbiology [online], 5 (10), 661- 670. Available at: <http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/toc/cmi/5/10> [last accessed: 8 September 2006]

Newspaper articles:

Anderson, E. (2002) Biology is Britain’s Best Discipline. The Independent, 20 July, 4‐5.

Articles from Meeting or Conference Proceedings:

Beneito Ros, A. (2013) "La retribución por despido en el caso de las personas con discapacidad mental", 23º Congreso Nacional de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Mayo 2012, Girona. Madrid: Cinca, 65-69.

BATISTA, S., CASTRO, S., VOLONTERIO, O., GILL, P. R. (2004) Perfil de ADN de poblaciones microbianas diazótrofas en suelos y lagos de la península antártica e isla Rey Jorge. Simposio sobre actividades e investigación científica en la Antártida, Nov. 2004, Montevideo. Montevideo: Instituto Antártico Uruguayo, 73-77.

Articles from websites:

NIELSEN, R.L. (1997) Stand establishment variability in corn. Available at: <http://www.agry.purdue.edu/ext/pubs/AGRY-91-01_v5.pdf> [last accessed: 15 September 2003].

Articles published by institutions:

INTA. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (1974). Carta de suelos de la República Argentina: hoja 3360-32 - Pergamino. Buenos Aires: INTA. 106 pp.

Authorship contribution (Credit) section

Ciencias Agronómicas adheres to the use of CRediT-Taxonomy of roles in academic collaboration with the purpose of informing, visualizing, and making transparent what each author contributed to the research work being published. This should be incorporated as a section of the manuscript before the bibliographic reference´s section. For this section, each author (initials names in bold) should indicate their contribution type from the following list: Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing - review and editing, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Original draft preparation, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization.

Example for a manuscript with three authors: JJY: Investigation, Formal analysis, Original draft preparation. HR: Data curation, Visualization, Writing - review and editing. MAB: Funding acquisition, Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Original draft preparation.