Evaluation of acute toxicity of IHPLUS® bioproduct on Eisenia fetida

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Zoe Alicia Castañedo Hernández
Alfredo Meneses-Marcel
Edisleidy Aguila Jiménez
Mirieisy Seijo Wals
Maykelis Díaz Solares


Soils support production of most food crops. Thus, maintaining optimal conditions for their use constitutes a major challenge. Chemicals move into soils in different ways, leading to soil contamination. One of the diagnostic tools to evaluate this problem is ecotoxicology. The Center of Chemical Bioactives has a battery of tests to evaluate the impact of chemical and biological products on biotic factors representative of different ecosystems. The objective of this work was to evaluate the impact of the IHPLUS® bioproduct on the soil ecosystem using Eisenia foetida as a bio-model. According to the methodology recommended by OECD 207, healthy individuals were exposed under controlled conditions to a single dose of the bioproduct for 28 days. The exposure doses matched those used in agriculture (6%) and those recommended by EPA´S OPPTS 885.4000 (106 CFU / mL). The endpoints evaluated were mortality and variation in worm body weight. In addition, other signs of behavioral changes were observed. No mortality occurred, and there was an increase in the average weight of specimens in the experimental groups. Slight, non-significant changes from the usual behavior were observed in some worms. According to our results, the use of the bioproduct IHPLUS® in agriculture is safe for this earthworm species.


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How to Cite
Castañedo Hernández, Z. A., Meneses-Marcel, A., Aguila Jiménez, E., Seijo Wals, M., & Díaz Solares, M. (2022). Evaluation of acute toxicity of IHPLUS® bioproduct on Eisenia fetida. Ciencias Agronómicas, (39), e019. https://doi.org/10.35305/agro39.e019
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Author Biographies

Zoe Alicia Castañedo Hernández, Centro de Bioactivos Químicos. Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas. Santa Clara. Villa Clara. Cuba.

Investigadora. Máster en Desarrollo de Medicamentos de Origen Natural.

Alfredo Meneses-Marcel, Centro de Bioactivos Químicos. Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas. Santa Clara. Villa Clara. Cuba.

Doctor en Parasitología y Microbiología.

Edisleidy Aguila Jiménez, Centro de Bioactivos Químicos. Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas. Santa Clara. Villa Clara. Cuba.

Investigadora. Máster en Toxicología Experimental.

Mirieisy Seijo Wals, Centro de Bioactivos Químicos. Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas. Santa Clara. Villa Clara. Cuba.

Técnico superior en Veterinaria.

Maykelis Díaz Solares, Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes Indio Hatuey. Perico, Matanzas, Cuba.



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