Assessment of pre- and post-emergence herbicides in the production of globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus, L)
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Weeds are one of the major problems in globe artichoke production. For that reason, it is important to increase knowledge on herbicide use to improve weed management in this crop. The objective of this study was to evaluate the weed control efficacy of herbicides in the early stages of artichoke cultivation, and their phytotoxicity on the crop. The trial was conducted at the FCA, UNR. Seeds of the ‘Madrigal' hybrid were sown in October and transplanted in November 2014. Treatments were: (I) pre-emergence: S-metolachlor, Oxyfluorfen, Pendimethalin, Linuron, Prometryn; (2) post-emergence: Linuron, Prometryn. The percentageof control efficacy of Portulaca oleracea, Lamium amplexicaule, Eleusine indica, Digitariasanguinalis, Echinocloa sp., Chenopodium album and Amaranthus quitensiswas calculated. Phytotoxicity was measured with an arbitrary scale (1:not affected, 2:slightly affected; 3:affected; 4:greatly affected). The design was in randomized blocks with 3 replications, and Shapiro-Wilks and Friedman tests were performed. Highly significant differences in control efficacy were observed between the pre-emergence herbicides tested, in the two measurement dates. S-metolachlor controlled 66% of weeds, Linuron 82%, Pendimethalin 89%, without causing phytotoxicity. Oxyfluorfen controlled 93% of weeds, but phytotoxicity was observed (3 in the first measurement, 2 in the second). Although Prometryn controlled 83% of weeds, phytotoxicity was 4. Highly significant differences were observed between post-emergence treatments only in the second measurement date in E. indica, D.sanguinalis, Echinochloa sp. Linuron controlled 93.7% of weeds, and caused level-3 phytotoxicity in both dates. Prometryn achieved 92% weed control, with level-4 phytotoxicity. In the experimental conditions, the herbicides which provided efficient weed control without phytotoxic effects on artichoke plants were Pendimethalin and Linuron when sprayed in preemergence.
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