Comparison of software tools for assessing the quality of pesticide spray application

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Luciano Larrieu
Ana laura Giambelluca
Matilde Mur
Victor Merani
Juan Manuel Vazquez
Facundo Guilino
Daniel Ferro
Esteban Iván Pereira
Maria Clara Donadelli
Tatiana Cinquetti
Guillermo José Millán


Droplet size is the most important factor determining the deposition of a pesticide on its intended target. In this context, the selection of an adequate spray nozzle must be based on the characteristics of the droplet population to be achieved. Pesticide application quality is mainly assessed using hydrosensitive cards. The main variables used to characterize application quality are: density of impacts per square centimeter (DI), volume median diameter (DV0.5), and efficiency (EF). There are numerous software tools for processing hydrosensitive cards, and the results depend on the resolution with which the cards are scanned. Therefore, exploring how the use of different programs can affect the outcome of an application quality assessment is of the utmost importance. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of three software tools in measuring DI, DV0.5 and EF for 5 nozzles producing different droplet sizes. The programs presented higher correlations for DI and EF in nozzles generating fine and very fine droplets. No good correlations were found between the programs for DV0.5 in all the nozzles evaluated. Based on our results, it is concluded that results of application quality assessments may present variations depending on the tool used.

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How to Cite
Larrieu, L., Giambelluca, A. laura, Mur, M., Merani, V., Vazquez, J. M., Guilino, F., … Millán, G. J. (2024). Comparison of software tools for assessing the quality of pesticide spray application. Ciencias Agronómicas, (43), e039.
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