Characterization of the degree of soil compaction in a field under no till using geostatistical tools

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Javier Alejandro Grosso
Juan Manuel Ressia
Carlos Vicente Bongiorno
Gustavo Oscar Mendivil


The characterization of the degree of soil compaction by analyzing bulk density and penetration resistance allows detecting conditions that can affect crop growth. Geostatistics provides tools for data interpretation for both variables using models which can be interpolated to build zoned maps based on points sampled from the field. The aim of this work was to validate a methodology to identify and delimit zones with different levels of soil compaction, in order to perform differential soil management strategies. The field studied is under continuous no-till agriculture located in the county of Azul, province of Buenos Aires. Variables sampled for the characterization were penetration resistance and bulk density up to a depth of 450 mm. The maps obtained by interpolation, using the Kriging method, showed different states of soil compaction inthe field studied, with penetration resistance values close to 1.5 MPa and higher in headland zones, starting at 100 mm depth. On the other hand, at the same depth, bulk density values were higher than 1.20 g cm-3, reaching maximum values of 1.41 g cm-3 between 300-450 mm depth. Both variables describe a compaction risk for normal growth of roots, with headlands standing out in penetration resistance maps as the most affected zones due to excessive traffic. The methodology allowed identifying areas with a possible response of crops to mechanical field decompaction, thus offering the possibility of developing differential management strategies by zone.


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Grosso, J. A., Ressia, J. M., Bongiorno, C. V., & Mendivil, G. O. (2022). Characterization of the degree of soil compaction in a field under no till using geostatistical tools. Ciencias Agronómicas, (34), e004.


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