Effect of leaf damage and environmental conditions on corn production
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The aims of this study were to: (i) evaluate the effects of simulated foliar damage (FD) caused by hail at different corn growth stages on yield, weight of 1000 grains and test weight , (ii)relate them to the values used by some insurance companies. The trials were carried out in Zavalla (60° 53` W; 33º 01` S), Argentina in 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015. FD consisted in tearing all leaves at three different times: R1-15 days, R1, and R1+15 days , and with varying intensity (breaking or not breaking the midrib: BM and NBM). Number of spikes (S), yield (Y), weight of 1000 grains (WG1000) and test weight (TW) were evaluated. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer´s test. Treatments in which the midrib was broken at R1-15 and R1 showed the greatest yield decreases. Although different yields were observed when foliar damage was done at different growth stages (R1-15, R1 or R1 + 15), the differences between these moments were not statistically significant for either of the two intensities. According to these results, the treatment BMat R1 + 15 is the one that is more involved with WG1000 decrease. Significant TW differences were found only in the 2007/08 and 2009 /10 growing seasons, with BM at R1 differing significant (P≤0.01) from the control.Yieldwas not influenced by environment-treatment interactions. BM R1 treatments resulted in the highest yield decreases. WG1000 waslower when the blade was damaged and the midribbroken at R1 + 15. The 15% yield decrease may be compared with the 35% defoliation value used by security companies.
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