Incidence and damage cause by 'Xanthomonas arboricola' pv. 'juglandis' in the structure of the fruits of the Walnut tree ('Juglans regia' L.) in Río Negro, Argentina

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Amelia Amanda Chorolque
Luis Francisco Hernández
María Cristina Pozzo Ardizzi
Omar Ariel Gajardo
Lucrecia María Avilés
Diana Fernandez


In Río Negro, bacterial blight is the main disease of Walnut crops. The objective of this work was to evaluate the incidence of the disease on fruits in different stages of development and determine the damage it produces on nuts intended for marketing in shell, in two cultivars in the Inferior and Medio valleys. Sampling was carried out during two seasons (2018/19 and 2019/20). The incidence of the disease in fruit (IEF) was determined from november to march, on samples of the Chandler and Franquette cultivars. To determine the external damage on the shell and the damage to the shell and seed, the samples from the last sampling were observed and classified. In Valle Inferior in both seasons, the IEF recorded significant differences between the cultivars for each date, being greater in Chandler. Similar results were observed in 2018/19, in Valle Medio and in 2019/20, no differences were recorded between cultivars. In both valleys in 2018/19, Chandler had a higher percentage of shell damage. The values recorded in the Lower Valley exceed the tolerance limits for in-shell marketing in Chandler, for both seasons.  In 2018/19 and 2019/20 Franquette qualified as an extra category, while in Valle Medio both cultivars were placed in different categories. The values of damage to shell and seed were similar in the two valleys.


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Chorolque, A. A. ., Hernández , L. F., Pozzo Ardizzi , M. C., Gajardo, . O. A., Avilés , L. M., & Fernandez , D. (2024). Incidence and damage cause by ’Xanthomonas arboricola’ pv. ’juglandis’ in the structure of the fruits of the Walnut tree (’Juglans regia’ L.) in Río Negro, Argentina. Ciencias Agronómicas, (44), e045.
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