Comparison of methodologies to determination of electrical conductivity and ionic concentration in soils of the province of Buenos Aires

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Víctor Hugo Merani
Guillermo José Millan
Daniel Adalberto Ferro
Luciano Larrieu
Daniel Bennardi
Nicolás Polich
Luciano Juan
Florencia Marlene Bongiorno


Soil salinity is one of the factors that offers the greatest limitations to agricultural exploitation. It occupies second place as the cause of global soil degradation, behind erosion. The determination of Electrical Conductivity (EC) is the indirect methodology most used in the determination of salts. 63 soil samples belonging to the ecological region called Pampa Humid Argentina were used. Sampling, drying and disaggregation of the soils was carried out and then the homogenization, grinding and sieving was carried out for 2 mm. The saturated paste was prepared and divided into four fractions. At the first fraction the EC was measured at 10 min and at 24 h of rest. The second and third fraction was filtered with vacuum at 10 min and 24 h of rest, respectively, to obtain in each case the saturation extract and measure the EC. In the fourth fraction, the quintuple extract was obtained according to Nijensohn, 1988. For low EC values, the results obtained using the methodologies studied are similar. From about 1 dS m-1 begin to diverge. Likewise, it can be seen that there are practically no differences between the EC values up to about 20 dS m-1. Linear regression models were obtained that allow us to estimate the EC at 24 h, as well as the ionic concentration and the RAS in the same extracts based on a methodology that reduces the rest time of the saturated paste and, consequently, the process is streamlined of determination and diagnosis of soil alkalinity.

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How to Cite
Merani, V. H., Millan, G. J., Ferro, D. A., Larrieu, L., Bennardi, D., Polich, N., … Bongiorno, F. M. (2022). Comparison of methodologies to determination of electrical conductivity and ionic concentration in soils of the province of Buenos Aires . Ciencias Agronómicas, (34), e003.
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