Prediction of soluble calcium concentration in agricultural soils of Buenos Aires province

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Daniel Adalberto Ferro
Brian Luis Andreini
Luis Alberto Lozano
Victor Hugo Merani
Florencia Marlene Bongiorno
Luciano Larrieu
Guillermo José Millán
Carlos Germán Soracco


Calcium (Ca) is a nutrient that plants absorb as soluble Ca from the soil solution (CaCE) to supply their requirements. Variations in its concentration as soluble Ca are complex and depend on natural and anthropic processes. The soils of the province of Buenos Aires are naturally well endowed with Ca, but areas with possible deficiencies have been observed due to the anthropic export of this element without replenishing it. The objective of this work was to estimate the concentration of CaCE in soils of the province of Buenos Aires using adjusted mathematical functions and, consequently, to determine the main edaphic parameters controlling its availability. Twenty-four soils from the province of Buenos Aires were sampled, and routine physical-chemical determinations were performed in soil laboratories. Data were analyzed with stepwise multiple linear regression. The analysis retained the variables electrical conductivity (EC) and the relationship between exchangeable Ca (CaCIC) and the sum of the bases (S). The equation was: 2,175 EC (dS m-1) + 2,554 CaCIC/S - 0.925, with an R2 of 0.55 (p <0.01). The presence of EC would be associated with the ratio of soluble ions, while the CaCIC/S ratio would be related to CaCE stock in soils. These preliminary results show that it would be feasible to obtain more accurate estimates of soluble CaCE, suggesting the need to perform further studies for a more detailed understanding of its dynamics in temperate soils. 


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Ferro, D. A., Andreini, B. L., Lozano, L. A., Merani, V. H., Bongiorno, F. M., Larrieu, L., … Soracco, C. G. (2023). Prediction of soluble calcium concentration in agricultural soils of Buenos Aires province. Ciencias Agronómicas, (41), e031.
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