Crop spraying. Distribution and product losses with different nozzles

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Victor Hugo Merani
Facundo Daniel Guilino
Juan Manuel Vazquez
Luciano Larrieu
Daniel Adalberto Ferro
Pedro Platz
Santiago Néstor Tourn
Esteban Ivan Pereira
Matilde Mur


Spraying is an important tool in agricultural production. The selection of nozzles to reduce the amount of product without affecting distribution is a challenge. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of different nozzles on vertical and horizontal targets. Three nozzles were contrasted: Defy 3D, XR11002VP, and TXA8002VK on two prisms of different dimensions. Water-sensitive cards and the CIR1.5® program were used to evaluate impact density, Volumetric Median Diameter and Efficiency, on horizontal and vertical faces of a target in a closed and asphalted shed. The highest values for all parameters were obtained on horizontal faces. Efficiencies were between 50 and 80% on horizontal faces, and between 2% and 25% on vertical faces. Horizontal impacts ranged from 150 to 240 (depending on the nozzles), and vertical impacts from 25 to 50 Although results were limited to conditions of zero wind and very homogeneous soils, they contribute to decision-making by providing data from more real working conditions than those obtained in laboratory measurements. Defy 3D is a new nozzle without field performance testing. It can be concluded that the angles of nozzles do not improve the quality of application in vertical positions, under the test conditions. Vertical targets did not get the minimum number of impacts recommended for fungicides or contact insecticides. Also, product losses occurred despite the environmental conditions of the trial.

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How to Cite
Merani, V. H., Guilino, F. D., Vazquez, J. M., Larrieu, L., Ferro, D. A., Platz, P., … Mur, M. (2023). Crop spraying. Distribution and product losses with different nozzles. Ciencias Agronómicas, (41), e030.
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